smlm ada pergi ta'lim
saja2 pergi... buat kat surau kampus
so ada la sorang akak ni cerita
"org dlu2 puasa dari waktu isyak smpi esok nyer isyak"
so bila nk mkan nyer? maybe jugak dari situ la asal usul moreh
im thinking bout to create a website to gain money...
tapi macam mana nk dpt duit klau bukan dari iklan?
any idea?
kevin rose, punya tauke mmg btl2 meng"inspired" org2
read bout "politic of male joggers"
few points from that article
1) : a very tired male jogger will speed up double when female jogger passes by
2) : 2-3 male joggers will also double their speed when they jogg together. it is because, the from jogger thought like this "Ah Beng behind me still ok, so i think he is ok with this speed"
the person behind are very tired but " wah, Ahmad infront of still ok, so do i"
in the end, they all make their new record.
kenapa persoalan "kenapa nk dekat raya mesjid makin kosong?"
sng jer jwpn dia "sbb org da start blik kampung"
xcaya gi la mesjid kat kampung2, ramai la org.
yg kau tanyer org nih, kau penuh kan mesjid2/surau2 x?
jangan kita yg jadi punca sbb mesjid kosong dah la
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4 months ago
Sure ko kenyang makan moreh kat Taklim smlm.tgk tu.. gemuk da. haha.
well, tu sbb kita hidup kena berkawan xleh hidup sorang2. Umat Islam perlu bersatu barulah boleh maju. hehe :P
asal ade moreh sure la penoh mesjit
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